Thursday, November 24, 2011

When you losing someone...

You know that feeling when you loose someone...
your heart aches and all wanna do is CRY and SCREAM and let it all out,
but your throat slowly tightens and you stop
breathing and you just can't do it, and you're
 left with nothing but silence all around you when your're trying to get it all together....
It's suffocating!! 

Don't know why but I feel the same way...
Please...don't wanna LOSE you my heart and soul!!!

(hehehe...wan pun nk wat blog sedih gak)


Phew...Exams are over YIEEE HAAA!!!   
\(^ ^)/

It's time to go back to my home sweet home (this Saturday night though~) 
Hmmm....3 weeks of semester break...nani te dousurundaiyo? What should I do....
I should think enhancing my Japanese speaking lol :P...

Something's not right...( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリ
(Am I losing something...or...someone perhaps...who knows..)  (;_・)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Dear Computer Architecture!!!!
Please be good to me and all my friends~~
ε-(´・`) フー

Something Is Missing...

Hmmmm....I don't know why, but I felt like something was missing from my mind..It's chilled my spine..
Argh!!!!  (,,#゚Д゚):∴;'・,;`:ゴルァ!! 
 I tried to calm down, but my heart still pounding very fast...huuuuu~~~
Hope that feeling will goes away when Im doin' my last exam in the next 4 hours...\(>o<)/

Come on Computer Architecture I will beat you!! hahaa!!

ha....a...a...Huuuuuu~~   ( ̄~ ̄;)ウーン・・・


Friday, November 18, 2011


Drawed in Photoshop..

It reminds me of someone i care..


Casting a Little Magic

The wind surrounds this city
Felt a little cold somewhere
I was always alone
I thought I was okay with it

Since that day when I met you ^_^
My world began to change into color
Though the season is ending soon again
These colors won't fade

That's why I want to deliver it to you, who is far away

Gathering up the words I want to tell you
Casting a little magic
Well, I'll send it to where you are
So that the warmth doesn't cool off

If I confine it together
My thoughts will take shape

Everyday I repeat the same things
If you suddenly found out
That I was swelling up little by little
You would loosen my heart

When the city's light disappeared
You would light my heart
Just before I fall asleep
I continue to think about you

That's why I want to send it to you, who is far way

Even if I have to leave you
You would wait
For you needed me
A lot of words
Can be put in a song
I'll go deliver it to where you are

Both of us are always connecting through this sky
So if I can feel it
My gentle feelings will become stronger

Gathering up the words I want to tell you
Casting a little magic
Well, I'll deliver it to where you are
Throughout the world
There's a song I only want to sing to you
So to convey these feelings~~                       

(*^^)^*) ☆Chu!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Welcome To My Blog XD

I know is not a real blog but Im just a beginner for this thing ;P
So, this is my first post after 5 months I stopped blogging (I think Never is a proper word lol)
Umm...actually I need an advise for blogging because I know nothing about this...
Ok. Thats all I want to type now...
Until we meet again :3